Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cranky pants

What is it about us humans that makes us snap when we get wound too tight?

Why is it that a little bit more frustration lets us rationalise thoughts and actions that you would normally not consider, or at least have the self control to stop ourselves.

Could it be that the psychologists are right, that the brain really is like a giant rubber band? Or is it more of a dam about to burst? The implication with both of those analogies (metaphors?) is that we have a large capacity for frustration before we snap/break, but when we do break the consequences are huge.

Perhaps it would be better if we were all teacups, with very little capacity to get annoyed before overflowing, but when we do unleash, it just needs a bit of kitchen roll (or a cloth if you're being environmentally conscious) to fix the mess.

Half full?

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