Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Infinite Loop

It's random rant time.

I'm not going to try and relate todays writings to any kind of higher meaning or purpose (or lower ones either for that matter). Nor is this going to be some great philosophy that life is like a sweat mark slowly building up on a keyboard, before being wiped away by the spray-on detergent of doom.

Today is simply a bit of free-writing.

right now I'm thinking of a little white rabbit sitting on a hill. You know, one of those typically English scenes, white fuzzy rabbit on the greenest of lawns. There aren't any rabbit holes around this rabbit, which means he's (yes, I've decided it's male, deal with it) either very respectful of the care and love which has been lavished on that lawn, or he's wandered a long way from the safety of the warren.

My mind twitches/blinks (something like that, I can't think of the right word to describe it), and now theres a red, fiery moat. around a lone outcrop of rock. And while the moat is all red and fiery, it's calm at the same time. Sure, the impression is that you'd probably die if you set foot in the moat. But the liquid itself is simply lapping gnetly at the old weathered rock, carefully insinuating its way into the various cracks and crevices.

Another blinktwitch, and it's a festival scene. Thousands of people thronging as a mob to the throbbing beats of a musical act on stage. The crowd a sort of barrier between the act and reality, the real world.

And all at once, the image fades into a shade of blue. Not a vibrant, exciting, electric blue. More the kind of blue you'd see after downing 10 pints while listening to a soul-wrenching blues performer. The kind of blue that just floats at the edges, and almost disappears into black at the centre.

But the centre has a smile. The warm, caring smile that is both new and familiar. The kind of smile that infects you with an inner warmth. A smile that's as much with the eyes as the mouth.

And now I will stop. For the smile has warmed me to peace.

Day 69 - Photo 69

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