Monday, July 12, 2010

High on Life

This blog is officially back up and running. Apologies for the long downtime, hopefully it'll all have been worth it (I find out in a month or two).

And now the rush is hitting me again. I need to photog. A lot. I'm not going to try and make up for the downtime, just keep hitting a photo a day target between now and the end of the year.
So onto today's subject - reality, and escaping from it.

Escaping from reality is a term (phrase) that is becoming commonplace. Just look at a travel agents, a day spa, or an airconditioners advertising, and you'll see that you too can 'escape from reality' by simply placing a certain amound of coloured plastic in front of the right people.

But how can you escape reality? Reality is, by definition, all that is real. And so if you are escaping the real, then are you embracing the unreal? Like people addicted to World of Warcraft, or those who choose to consume recreational drugs, or even those who just like hanging from the ceiling wearing an apron backwards pretending to be bats, is the real world that bad that you simply have to live a fantasy?

And surely if you are still there, having whichever experience you have chosen (or been forced into), then surely that is still reality? Is there such a thing as unreality? In order for you to take part in something, surely your body has to be stimulated in some way by an external force? And if your body is registering this stimuli, no matter how abstract or warped it appears, then you must be in some form of reality.

I guess it all comes back to relativity, and your point of reference. If you choose to believe that everything that happens is 'real', then there can be no Escape from Reality. But I guess if you choose to believe that certain things are 'real', and that others are 'unreal', then who am I to argue otherwise? I reserve the right to disagree with you, but that doesn't necessarily make you wrong.
Perhaps it's all about things being 'real' and 'true'? The corollary of which is that the 'unreal' is also 'untrue', or fake. Does this mean my watch from Bali is Unreal? The injuries sustained during the World Cup, are they 'unreal' as well?

If this is not reality, then please don't tell me. I don't think I could handle this if it was all false.

Day 1001 - Photo 1001
Rarified Air

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